About me

Welcome to Eregion Web,

I am Lucas Gontard, founder of Eregion Web.

Eregion Web is originated from a desire to put my skills at the service of your digital and linguistic needs.


In a world where humans are increasingly required to connect across language barriers, I have always been interested in the international language: English.

As my family works in the tourism industry with an international clientele, I understood at a very young age the importance of mastering this essential tool in our time.

My interest in the language and culture of the English-speaking world led me to study at the university in a course that combines English language and digital tools.

I now hold a Master 2 in English in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Civilizations,
obtained at the University of Paris-Nanterre.

bip bip boup…


My story with computers started at a very young age. Having grown up with computers, it is therefore quite natural that I came to help others in this field.

First with my relatives, for their projects and their administrative procedures, but also teaching them lessons with their computer or their smartphone;

Then, thanks to my academic training, I opened up my field of action to professionals and individuals, whom I accompany to concretize their computer or linguistic projects.


The Internet began in the 1960s as a way for researchers to share information.

Computers in the 1960s were large and immobile, and to use the information stored in a computer, you either had to go to the computer location, or have tapes sent through the conventional postal system.

Fortunately, today it is (usually) much more convenient…

final words...

During my university studies, I was trained in the linguistic fields (English language, translation, writing, oral skills) but also in the digital fields (websites, video editing, subtitling).

Since the creation of Eregion Web at the end of 2019, my wish is to use my skills to help you realize your project, so that the computer or linguistic tools can bring you all their benefits.

With all my heart, I wish to contribute for you.

I look forward to working with you on your project,

Lucas, from Eregion Web.

Let’s work together